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Independent people who do not have the maturity to think & act interdependently may be good independent producers, but won’t be good LEADERS or TEAM PLAYERS.

  • Very relevant model… DEPENDENCE (You) – I need your help (physical, emotional, intellectual) INDEPENDENCE (I) – More mature, major achievement! (but not supreme)… Current social paradigm enthrones independence, BUT this is a reaction to Dependence.
  • ADJOURNING – project-inevitable (also TRANSFORMING) People help each other with ideas & support. Achieving more together than as individuals. PERFORMING – (Project Performance) Members acknowledge interdependency work well together. Members begin to share ideas, feedback, etc. NORMING – (Process) Group begins to settle down… greater cohesion.  Helpful to move from CONFLICT to cooperation. Differences of opinion over how things should be done and who should be ‘movers & shakers’. STORMING – (Others / Problems) Focus on personal relationships & roles air opinions & differences conflict & confrontation. First is Tuckman’s model of Group Origin/Formation (1965) FORMING – (OUR Own Objectives) Team dependent on leaders for structure behaviour = Questioning (Why are we here? What are we supposed to do? How are we going to get it done?)  Team building is important here.
  • Many models of teamwork and groupwork… I’ll present just a few of them, which I think might be helpful.
  • Inherently more complex than individualistic/competitive learning.
  • KEY SLIDE: Ideally, a balance between Teamwork & Individual work Teamwork is a challenge!Requires co-operative learning.
  •  Then I’ll present some ideas/theories/models… and some practical applications! Take 2 minutes… try to write down 3 on each list.
  • INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY: Take 2 minutes… Try to list at least 2 or 3 TEAMS that you are (or have been) a member of.
  • Everyone getting together to work on the same problem IS… Establishing the questions that need to be answered Each team member taking responsibility for particular tasks & doing the work Putting the results of tasks together & asking “did we answer the question?” Identifying next steps. Unfortunately, GAP between skills required in workplace and what new grads are able to provide: EDUC – individualism, competition WORK – collaboration, teamwork And the project can only be a success if the team works together effectively. You want to do your best work, to shine – of course you do! But, with few exceptions, you won’t shine unless PROJECT is a success.
  • Teamwork is a popular topic! WHY? It is a key skill required in the workplace… especially in IT.
  • Most people believe conflict does not belong  Minutes will be issued by e-mail within 24 hours of  Decisions will be made by consensus/ majority Listen to & show respect for view of members Tailor to meet the specific needs of your teamĪll members will be accountable for statementsĮVERY member is responsible for the team’s progress and Sign up to… each team member is expected toĪ chance for all members to voice their opinions Source: Slyke, Trimmer, Kittner (2004) Teaching Teamwork in IS CoursesĮxpectations each team has for its membersĮffectively a contract which all team members If Win/Win is such an ideal, why don’t we do Covey (1989) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Source: Bruce Tuckman (1965) Small Group Development Storming (deal with criticism develop ideas) Forming (assemble team deal with ambiguity)

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